Local food stores are struggling to manage all the extra costs: RGDATA delegation tells Retail Minister

An RGDATA delegation led by President Colin Fee and Director General Tara Buckley set out the severe challenges local independent shops are currently facing and the very real fears that community shopkeepers have about the impact a raft of new Government measures in early 2024 will have on their businesses. The delegation included shop owners Breda Cahill, Padraig Broderick and John Caulwell who all spoke passionately about the need for support for vital local community shops to assist them in funding all the Government wage and employment measures coming in over the next few months.

Minister Richmond said the Government was intent on progressing to the Living Wage and to extending the paid sick leave to five days for 2024 but it was prepared to review the supports for small businesses. The Department will be hosting stakeholder workshops to identify the cumulative impact of all the proposed wages, sick pay, pensions and other measures and RGDATA said that independent shopkeepers were anxious to engage in the meetings.

RGDATA is urging all members to make their voices heard to local politicians. Read the campaign statement here. Do the RGDATA Survey here.

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