Government urged to strengthen protection for retailers against bogus defamation claims

RGDATA is urging Government to introduce new protections to prevent retailers being sued for bogus defamation claims. At present, any retailer who questions a customer about payment for a good, is at risk of being sued for defamation. 

RGDATA Director General, Tara Buckley said: “It is farcical and absurd that a retailer can face a costly lawsuit for seeking to protect his or her business by simply asking if a customer has paid for a good.

“The measures proposed in the Defamation Bill to tackle retail defamation are too complicated and impractical to provide the protection that retailers need against bogus defamation claims. Retailers need clear and precise protection so that they can defend their business without fear of being sued for defamation.”

Have you been sued or threatened with a lawsuit for defamation by someone you’ve challenged in your shop?  Email with your story.

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