The Alliance for Insurance Reform has highlighted the huge difference in insurance premium costs North and South of the border and has urged the Government to “get the gloves off” with insurers and deliver lower premiums for public liability and employer insurance.
“Government is tiptoeing around insurers, afraid of upsetting them in case they leave the market. In reality, the high-profile insurer casualties of recent years have been down to issues such as mismanagement, incompetence, Brexit and corporate priorities, not market conditions. It is time for Government to get the gloves off with the incumbent insurers, get more competition into the market and put measures in place to cover sectors that insurers are simply not interested in covering. The Alliance shares the view of the Taoiseach that ‘The success of the (Government Action) plan will be measured by the reduction in premiums and improved competition’, and insurers must play their part in delivering to that commitment.”
Click here to read the full AIR statement