Low Pay Commission seeks submission on The Living Wage

The Government plan for a national living wage which will be 60% of the hourly media wage announced in November 2022 tasked the Low Pay Commission (LPC) with making recommendations on how this can be achieved by 2026 through annual changes to the National Minimum Wage.

The LPC is currently considering the appropriate rate of the National Minimum Wage for 2024.

The LPC has produced forecasts (available here) for the rate at which the NMW needs to increase each year up to 2026 to deliver on the Government’s Living Wage decision.

The Low Wage Commission has asked the Local Jobs Alliance for a short written submission by 24 May on the forecasts and the appropriate rate of the NMW in 2024.

RGDATA, the founding member of the Local Jobs Alliance, will be working with the other members to develop a short submission – if you have any views on the Living Wage and the impact on your shop, please email rgdata@rgdata.ie

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