Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act

The Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act was signed into law by the President back in April. It is now in affect since July. It is important to note that with the right to leave for medical care purposes, both for employees with children up to age 12 and carers, employees will be entitled to five days unpaid leave per calendar year to provide care or support to a family member or person who lives in the same household as the employee. This new right could have an affect on shop roasters and with staffing issues already proving challenging, it is best to prepare in advance where possible.

Shop owners should also consider updating their employee handbooks/policies to reflect the new rights contained in the Act, including the right to request flexible working, remote working, unpaid leave for medical care and paid domestic violence leave. Note: right for leave for domestic violencce, remote and flexible working will only come into affect in Autumn. 

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